The National Center for State Courts (“NCSC”) has prepared and published a “Remote Proceeding Toolkit.” This useful document addresses the basics of remote proceedings, policies, and technology considerations. It also offers tips for remote proceedings, an evaluation plan worksheet, and points out areas of caution to consider.
According to the NCSC, the “toolkit is meant to provide courts with considerations and guidance for adopting policies for remote and hybrid proceedings, as well as a menu of options for achieving success with remote and hybrid proceedings that are mindful of court budgets and capacity.”
In addition, the NCSC states the included “resources and guidance come from several sources. Some were developed by courts in anticipation of post-pandemic remote hearings. Others are examples of pandemic policies that can be used post-pandemic. Academic research, national webinars, technical assistance work, and conversations with courts and experts from around the world have also informed NCSC’s thinking in this area.”
We invite you to check out the toolkit on the NCSC’s website.
Photo by: Iyus sugiharto on Unsplash