Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Professor of Law at the Marquette University Law School, has published Pracademics: Making Negotiation Theory Implemented, Interdisciplinary, and International, International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013; Marquette Law School Legal Studies Paper No. 14-01. In her article, Professor Kupfer Schneider examines the role of negotiation in conflict engagement and resolution.
Here is the abstract:
Negotiation can be thought of as the tool that facilitates conflict engagement and resolution. As part of, and yet different from, conflict theory, negotiation theory has had a separate parallel development in the last 30 years. The challenges for negotiation theory in the future are similar to those found in the broader conflict theory – ensuring that negotiation theory can be implemented by practitioners; making sure that negotiation theory draws upon a multitude of disciplines; and includes theories, experiences and culture from around the world. The development of negotiation theories in law schools – where communication to resolve disputes is part of the job description – highlights the importance of pracademics and demonstrates how we need effective theories to engage in conflict.
This and other articles authored by Professor Kupfer Schneider may be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network.