The University of Texas, along with the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Houston International Arbitration Club, will be sponsoring a symposium in Houston on May 13-14 on the subject, “Arbitrators and National Courts: Conflict and Cooperation.” The program will cover issues concerning the relationship between arbitrators and courts—such as the determination of arbitral jurisdiction, injunctions in favor of (or against) arbitration, arbitrators and the rule of law, and the “second look” doctrine a quarter-century after Mitsubishi; the speakers include Professors Andrea Bjorkland, David Caron, Michael Reisman, and Alan Rau; from Europe, such prominent international arbitration figures as Pierre Mayer, Gabrielle Kauffmann-Kohler, Loukas Mistelis, Laurie Craig, Dominique Hascher and Lord Hoffmann; and a number of American and foreign international arbitration practitioners.
The full program can be found here.
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