[Ed. note: see guest blog post here]
Disputing will be honored to have guest blogger Philip Loree, Jr. Phil will be sharing insightful comments and will propose some solutions to the problems that the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009 will likely create in disputes between commercial entities. (see past coverage of the Act here and here)
Phil is a partner at the boutique law firm of Loree & Loree, where he focuses his practice on reinsurance litigation and arbitration and commercial and industry arbitration, and blogmaster of the Loree Reinsurance & Arbitration Law Forum, which is a forum for critical analysis of issues pertinent to reinsurance dispute resolution and commercial and industry arbitration. Prior to forming Loree & Loree, Phil was a partner in the Litigation Departments of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP and Rosenman & Colin LLP, and a shareholder in the Litigation Department of Stevens & Lee, P.C.. He is admitted to practice in the State of New York and various federal courts. You can access his CV here.
We are hoping that Phil Loree will become a regular guest blogger at Disputing. If you are interested in guest blogging at Disputing please let us know.
arbitration, ADR, law, Arbitration Fairness Day, arbitration clauses” target=”_blank”>